About us

About the Chamber

The Huntsville Metro Black Chamber of Commerce is a 501 (c) 3 community based economic development non-profit organization serving the Huntsville Metro Region. Our mission is to promote, create and foster economic development opportunities for Black communities and our members to increase overall business and economic growth through leadership, support, and collaboration with current and potential partners.
Huntsville Metro Black Chamber of Commerce is a charter affiliate of the Alabama State Black Chamber of Commerce.

Active Partners

2022 Board Members

  • Charles Frye, CNI Solutions – Board Chairman

  • Alex Brazelton, Quali-Tech Properties – Membership Committee Chair

  • Joseph Lee, Lee Sunrise Properties – Government/Community Affairs Committee Chair

  • Janell Brown, Brown Books & More

  • Michael Vance, Batts & Associates

  • Antoinette Hawthorne, HMBCC – Education Committee Chair

  • Jerry Mitchell, President/CEO

What We Do

  • Train & Educate businesses regarding tactics and resources for starting and growing successful businesses.

  • Hosting programs and events that promote business development and growth.

  • Providing platforms for networking and strategic partnership development.

  • Encouraging member-to-member buying and community purchasing support

  • Promoting supplier diversity & inclusion

Reasons To Join

  • BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES (members, agency connections, contracts/grants)

  • MARKETING OPPORTUNITIES (ribbon-cuttings, social media marketing avenues, newsletter, PR)


  • LINKS TO RESOURCES (financial, educational)


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